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Book now for Big Data Sets and Big Data Rights with Angelene Falk and Julian Morrow
Big Data Sets and Big Data Rights:
the future of big data, big business, and the individual.
It’s 2028, and each Australian is protected by new data rights, including the right of data access, a right to object to processing, and the right to be forgotten.
Is this a likely future? Join our panel for a discussion on recent developments in data rights, and their implications for consumers, the media, and data businesses.
We will discuss issues including:
1. Notification rights: Mandatory data breach notification in practice.
2. Access and portability rights: The new Australian Consumer Data Right.
3. The “right to be forgotten”: Europe, GDPR, Search engine defamation, and recent cases.
Angelene Falk, Acting Australian Information Commissioner and Acting Privacy Commissioner
Julian Morrow, co-founder of The Chaser and the creator of The Checkout
Thomas Jones, Partner (Competition & Regulatory), Bird & Bird
Sophie Dawson, Partner (Disputes, Media & Privacy), Bird & Bird
Thursday, 26 July 2018
Registration 4:45pm
Seminar: 5:00pm to 6:00pm
Drinks and canapés: 6:00pm onwards
Bird & Bird
Level 11, 68 Pitt Street, SYDNEY
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CAMLA members – $70.00 (incl GST) – log into the CAMLA website to receive your member discount
Non-members – $95.00 (incl GST)
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