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Latest Communications Law Bulletin out to CAMLA members now
Observations on the High Court’s Voller Judgment
Eli Fisher, Network Ten ViacomCBS, and Dominic Keenan, Allens, have summarised the judgment and
called on some of the leading defamation lawyers in the country for their comments on this important judgment:
David Rolph (Professor, University of Sydney)
Sophie Dawson (Partner, Bird & Bird)
Marlia Saunders (Partner, Thomson Geer)
Ali Kerr (Senior Legal Counsel, Network Ten ViacomCBS)
Kevin Lynch (Partner, Johnson Winter & Slattery)
Dr Matt Collins AM QC (Senior Counsel, Aickin Chambers)
Sue Chrysanthou SC (Senior Counsel, 153 Phillip Barristers)
Justine Munsie (Partner, Addisons)
2021 in CAMLA
A Message from the President, Martyn Taylor (Norton Rose Fulbright)
CAMLA Webinar Report Governing in the Internet Age with The Hon. Paul Fletcher MP
By Calli Tsipidis (Chair, 2021 CAMLA Young Lawyers Committee & Legal Counsel at Foxtel Group)
CAMLA Defamation Judges’ Panel Discussion|
On the evening of 7 December, CAMLA members were treated to an enlightening and invaluable panel discussion with judges from the three main Courts hearing defamation cases in Australia:
Judge Judith Gibson, District Court of NSW
Justice Michael Lee, Federal Court of Australia
Justice John Sackar, Supreme Court of NSW
Moderated by Dauid Sibtain a barrister at Level 22 Chambers, and Marina Olsen, a partner at Banki Haddock Fiora.
Choppergate: The Urgent Application to Get the Melbourne Media Helicopter Back in the Sky
Conor O’Beirne, Associate, Thomson Geer, tells the story of the urgent application to oppose CASA’s designation of the Melbourne CBD as a no fly zone,
preventing the Melbourne media helicopter from being able to cover the COVID protests.
Report: CAMLA AdTech Seminar
By Amy Riley, Senior Associate – Allens
Ian Angus – 1948-2021
A tribute by Leanne Norman, Partner, Banki Haddock Fiora
The UK Supreme Court Hands Down Judgment in Lloyd v Google
David Cran, Head of IP and Tech, Olly Bray, Senior Partner, and Alex Vakil, Senior Associate, RPC comment on the recent Lloyd v Google judgment.
The Battle (royale) Continues Between Epic and Apple
Sarah Gilkes, Partner, and Ben Cameron, Senior Associate, Hamilton Locke, comment on the Epic Games v Apple stoush
Privacy Panel
In October 2020, the Attorney-General’s Department commenced the broad review of the Privacy Act and, in October 2021, the Attorney-General’s Department
released a Discussion Paper, which addresses the issues above.
And to help us make sense of what’s being proposed, and the strengths and limitations in these proposals, we’ve assembled some of the leading privacy lawyers in our CAMLA community:
Katherine Sainty (Sainty Law)
Sophie Dawson (Bird & Bird)
Olga Ganopolsky (Macquarie Group)
Ross Phillipson (Norton Rose Fulbright)
Anna Johnston (Salinger Privacy)
Rebecca Lindhout (McCullough Robertson)
Ashleigh Fehrenbach (RPC)
Interview: Zeina Milicevic – Partner, MinterEllison
By Ashleigh Fehrenbach (RPC and CLB co-editor)
Journalism via Twitter, or Fake News? Social Media and the Limits of Journalist Privilege and Anonymous Informants
Ian Bloemendal, partner, Nick Josey, senior associate, and Fergus Rees, Clayton Utz, explain why commentators on Twitter or other forms
of social media must be cautious when using information received from anonymous sources.
CAMLA Young Lawyers Committee 2021 Chair Report from Calli Tsipidis
The Metes and Bounds of the Federal Court’s Jurisdiction in Defamation Matters – How Far Does it Extend?
Ben Regattieri, Lawyer, and Marina Olsen, Partner, Banki Haddock Fiora, consider the jurisdiction of the Federal Court to hear defamation matters.
Lessons for Social Media Users: One Defamatory Tweet Can Cost You $35,000
Tess McGuire, Lawyer, and Annabelle Ritchie, Associate, MinterEllison, comment on the recent Dutton v Bazzi judgment
Between 7 and 11 Lessons You Can Learn from the Latest OAIC Privacy Case
Anna Johnston, Principal, Salinger Privacy, tells us why a case involving facial recognition technology and customer satisfaction surveys offers plenty of lessons in how privacy law applies to Australian businesses