Congratulations CAMLA Essay Competition Winners! Congratulations to the winners of CAMLA’s annual essay writing competition, announced…
Limited places still available for Defamation seminar
Setting the Record Straight:
Recent Developments in the Defence of Qualified Privilege, and Other Current Issues in Defamation Law
The defence of qualified privilege has recently been scrutinized by the High Court of Australia in both Trad v Harbour Radio (reply to attack) and Papaconstuntinos v Holmes a Court (voluntary defamatory publications).
What are the repercussions for defendants?
Members of the NSW Defamation Bar who appeared in both Trad and Holmes a Court, will address the consequences of the High Court’s judgment, as well as other topical issues currently before the courts and legislatures, such as the impact of social media on the law of defamation.
The Panel includes:
• Bruce McClintock SC, 6 Selborne Wentworth Chambers
• Matthew Lewis, Barrister, 5 Wentworth Chambers
• Gabriella Rubagotti, Barrister, Fifth Floor Selborne Chambers
Moderated by: Miriam Stiel, Partner, Allens
Tuesday 28th May 2013
6.15pm for a 6.30pm start, followed by drinks and nibbles.
Level 28
Deutsche Bank Place
126 Phillip Street
(Corner of Hunter & Phillip Streets), SYDNEY
Register with MasterCard, Visa and American Express payments via
or email Cath Hill: and send a cheque to:
PO Box 237