The Communications and Media Law Association brings together a wide range of people interested in law and policy relating to communications and the media. The Association includes lawyers, journalists, broadcasters, members of the telecommunications industry, publishers, academics and public servants.
Issues of interest to CAMLA members include:
- telecommunications
- information technology
- defamation
- broadcasting
- copyright
- advertising
- confidentiality
- contempt
- privacy
- censorship
- film law
- freedom of information
- internet & on-line services
Being a member of CAMLA and attending CAMLA events are useful ways to establish informal contacts with other people working in the business of communications and media. CAMLA is strongly independent and includes people with diverse political and professional connections.
CAMLA publishes a regular journal, known as the Communications Law Bulletin. The Communications Law Bulletin discusses both communications law and policy issues.
To join CAMLA or to subscribe to the Communications Law Bulletin, see our membership page.