NEW SEMINAR: TV Law 101 Hosted by Clayton Utz, join CAMLA Young Lawyers and our…
Open Justice – now & in the future seminar | Wednesday 16th October 5pm at Bird & Bird
Open Justice is an essential feature of our judicial system, and has never been more topical. This seminar will provide an opportunity to hear directly from The Honourable T.F. Bathurst AC, Chief Justice of New South Wales about this important principle. The Bird & Bird media team will provide an update on key principles and review processes. Kiah Officer (Nine Entertainment Co) and Gina McWilliams (News Limited) will also give their perspectives as senior in-house media lawyers. Wednesday 16th October at 5pm at Bird & Bird, Level 22, 19 Martin Place, Sydney. Register here – CAMLA members $70 (incl GST) and Non members $95.